Tuesday, September 18, 2007

perfect crime?

A mind is a terrible thing.

Conspiracy theorists tend to look at events of historical impact or significance, and search for a way to establish that things are not what the masses believe. This seems to me to spring from some need to believe that there are sinister forces which are more powerful than we could fathom, and that these forces are singularly focused on duping the masses. I suppose that if one subscribes to this worldview, and one believes that he knows the truth (despite the efforts of said sinister forces), one could conclude that he has the upper hand. I suppose this could make one feel a little superior.

Their logic says:
Kennedy could not have been killed by an attention-starved looser with a $14 rifle. It must have been an intricate web composed of every sector of society that trades in secrecy—organized crime, the CIA, etc.

9-11 could not have been pulled off by a bunch of backwards-assed wife-beaters who shave what little chest hair they have and believe that rape is a useful tool. It must be the product of the most sinister forces on earth—the CIA and Israel.

We are so cosmically important that not only do alien life forms come here to study (and anally probe) us, our government (being the badasses that they are) has duped most of us into believing that they are simply the products of our overactive imaginations.

These are the big 3, but there are probably hundreds more, not quite conspiracy theories, but wacked-out ideas, based on the same kinds of beliefs—radiation in our currency helps the government to locate large sums of cash; the government is secretly planning on building a super-highway from Mexico to Canada to facilitate movement of illegal aliens, among other things; chiropractors are doctors; astrology; ghosts; diet crazes. . .

Here’s one that makes a bit of sense to me—who committed the perfect murder? Jack the Ripper? The ZODIAC? OJ? Stephen King http://www.lennonmurdertruth.com/ ? Hell no! It was William Shatner. No one even speculates about it, except me, and apparently this guy:

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of Shatner’s; I think it’s especially badass that he got away so clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.